Friday, January 13, 2006

HIllary Clinton & Harry Belafonte

Hillary Clinton will be doing a little fundraising with Harry Belafonte.

Is this her way of keeping herself in the forefront of the news? Mr. Belafonte recently expressed his support for Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez. He also called President Bush "world’s greatest terrorist.” The last time I checked, I don't think I saw Chavez on our best friends list.

I guess washed up singers and actors need to find some way to draw attention to themselves. Hillary Clinton appearing with these left wing radicals only shows her true colors. By standing with Belafonte, she makes it known that she is not out to help this country but only herself. I will not go so far as to say that Belafonte and his washups are committing Treason aid to an enemy is in fact treason isn't it?

Well Mr. Belafonte, Danny Glover, Hillary Clinton and your group of left wing washups, go live in Venezuela. If you can big a big shot there then so be it...good riddance!

America does not support your idiotic outlandish views of the world. It only seems that way because of the liberal pandering drama creating media. As far as Hillary is concerned she is the biggest unethical carsalesman I have ever seen.

Good Day

1 comment:

olivebranch said...

Well you should look again, because for all of Chavez's anti-capitalist ideology and ranting: he is still giving huge concessions to allow the US and in particular it's poor cheap heating oil and crude for petroleum.

It also has huge refineries and economic interests in the USA and is not taking any action towards harming US citizens, only the global ideology of Capitalism which is enshrined in US economic policies.

Chavez is the reason Cuba is opening up to the outside world, allowing in poor from across the globe for eye surgery. He also has helped many Latin American nations revive their economies many years in a row now.

He's not a terrorist who hates America, and though he hates Bush, he doesn't want to see the White House blown up.

I don't normally go defending politician's, and I am not so much defending Chavez as hoping to shed some light on why the Clinton's may not see Chavez in the same light the Bush Administration does.

hope this helps- [olivebranch]