Friday, November 18, 2005

Are the Clintons on CRACK?

What are the Clintons up to? Can you believe that Bill Clinton thinks that the war in Iraq is unjust? Yes, well, I bet you do believe it. Lets not forget that intelligence the Clinton administration received may have prevented 911 had they acted on it. BUT...George Bush was elected and the blame fell with him. Would they have blamed Al Gore? I'm sure it would have been some republican's fault.

The Clintons are trying to capitalize on the growing dissent against the war on terror in both Iraq and Afghanistan. But why is that? Because the news media can't stir up the drama they need by showing our troops rebuilding schools and other infrastructure. They instead concentrate on how many troops are being killed, etc...Although that is a very important aspect of the truth, they leave out the greater truth. The truth that our troops are brave Patriots doing a job that most people can't do and they are doing it well. Don't get caught up in the Clinton smoke and mirror machine. Hillary supported the President and she herself spoke about the dangers of Saddam and why it was important to remove him from power. Now that it is becoming less popular, she is focusing on that to further dissent and crumble support for our troops. She is sooooooo good at playing the innocent victim. What is more troubling to me is that people fall for her BULL SHIT!

Bill Clinton actually praised those who worked under Saddam according to this article:

What the hell! Pure dirtbags! Smoke and mirrors my friends....

The truth about Iraq

If you really want to know the truth about what our soldiers are doing in Iraq, check out Michael Yon's Blog.

Thank you for what you do Michael!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Lying Left

Here we go again.... The Dems or should I say the Dumbs, are at it again. Well really it is nothing new, they always pander to what is the popular opinion of the time. The truth? It does not matter to them, as long as they create hostility towards the members on the other side of the aisle. They seem to jump on what the media is playing out and make it their own warped view of what is being reported. Eureka!!! Instant popularity. Never mind they don't know what they are talking about. The fact is that the APPEAR to know what they are talking about because the liberal left wing media says it's so.

Well Hillary is the worst split tongued political devil I have ever seen. I refuse to believe that those in this country who consider themselves Democrats do not have a lick of sense. I know this is not so and I love to hear opposing points of view about things. My problem with all this is how can anyone say that she is good for anyone except herself? I can only hope that anyone in this country with half a brain can see through her B.S. She rallies behind what is popular for the moment and changes her view once it becomes unpopular. In its most simple terms she is a political pig. As are Kennedy, Biden, scummer, uh Schumer, sorry, Pelosi, who has to be one of the worst right behind Hillary. I'm sorry, the list is too long. They all grab the spotlight when they need to keep their name in the news. Ugh, I feel sick to my stomach!

I have the utmost respect for my fellow Working Stiff Americans, both Republican & Democrat. That is why I think even the most informed Democrat should see this short collage of clips and decide for themselves as an intelligent, informed good American citizen.

Click here:
Yes no Yes no Yes no

Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who have fought and died and ARE fighting and dying for our freedoms!! May God bless and keep you!

Hurricane Sickness

I have not been posting for a while. The hurricanes and the coverage of the same made me sick. I devoured all the media coverage I could as well as hearing first hand information from first responders in the affected areas. As usual, the Dems tried to capitalize on the slanted view the media presented. I remember switching over to Nancy Grace on CNN I think it was...She was ranting about the National Guard staying behind locked doors and not doing a "DAMN" thing! She was dramatizing the whole situation, playing to the masses' collective heartbreak over the plight of all those left homeless. It is well known by now that the reports of rapes, murders, etc. did not really happen. (However, I find it hard to believe that some type of lawlessness did not occur) Well Nancy Grace, until you have stood on that fine line between anarchy and order in the streets, and understand the cause and effect of trying to enforce anything in that type of situation, shut up!! Should the National Guard have gone in like gangbusters into the darkness tried to arrest or detain criminals and risked a firefight with roving gangs or the like? Well maybe they should have and in the process, shot unarmed innocent civilians. It would be then that you really would have had a story with which to pander your liberal wares.

Let me stop the madness....I promised myself I was not going to get caught up in the nuttiness. I could go on for days.

Just had to rant....