Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Lying Left

Here we go again.... The Dems or should I say the Dumbs, are at it again. Well really it is nothing new, they always pander to what is the popular opinion of the time. The truth? It does not matter to them, as long as they create hostility towards the members on the other side of the aisle. They seem to jump on what the media is playing out and make it their own warped view of what is being reported. Eureka!!! Instant popularity. Never mind they don't know what they are talking about. The fact is that the APPEAR to know what they are talking about because the liberal left wing media says it's so.

Well Hillary is the worst split tongued political devil I have ever seen. I refuse to believe that those in this country who consider themselves Democrats do not have a lick of sense. I know this is not so and I love to hear opposing points of view about things. My problem with all this is how can anyone say that she is good for anyone except herself? I can only hope that anyone in this country with half a brain can see through her B.S. She rallies behind what is popular for the moment and changes her view once it becomes unpopular. In its most simple terms she is a political pig. As are Kennedy, Biden, scummer, uh Schumer, sorry, Pelosi, who has to be one of the worst right behind Hillary. I'm sorry, the list is too long. They all grab the spotlight when they need to keep their name in the news. Ugh, I feel sick to my stomach!

I have the utmost respect for my fellow Working Stiff Americans, both Republican & Democrat. That is why I think even the most informed Democrat should see this short collage of clips and decide for themselves as an intelligent, informed good American citizen.

Click here:
Yes no Yes no Yes no

Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who have fought and died and ARE fighting and dying for our freedoms!! May God bless and keep you!

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