Monday, May 22, 2006

Mayor Nagin

Can you really believe this guy? First it was "Chocolate City" now he claims that he is being targeted by those of us who are "white."

It seems that Mr. Nagin has hinted at the idea that whites, nationally are involved in a campaign to unseat him from office. Oh boy, there, someone threw the crutch out there again!

Lets create a racial issue out of the election in "Nawlins" Lousy-anna. Yes, lets forget what a pitiful job the fair Mayor did during the hurricane. Oh wait, I forgot, it was President Bush's fault that there was not real plan laid out by city and state officials. So I guess it would have to be Bush's fault as he is the next one in line.

Sorry Mr. Nagin you squeaked this one out. Seems somebody else; not ole whitey is trying to send a message to you! The good, hard working citizens of New Orleans deserve better than someone who claims everything that happens is racism. Coming from the biggest racist of all, YOU, that is truly rich!

You do more to hamper the progress of African Americans than anybody else. (With the exception of the Rev. Al Sharp-ton and Jesse (I'm a man of God but screwed around on my wife) Jackson.

Oh whatever I'm feeling sick

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