Friday, December 09, 2005

John Kerry Blames Rush Limbaugh for Iraq Blooper

Thank goodness for News Max Magazine!

John Kerry is apparently back peddling again over yet another slip of his tongue. In an interview with CBS "Face The Nation" this past Sunday, Kerry said, that there was "no reason ... that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the - of - the historical customs, religious customs - Iraqis should be doing that." Please take notice to the play on "Young American Soldiers." Is this another attempt to play on the minds of Americans.

Terrorizing women and children? If the insurgents are in a house and they are hiding behind their women and children, what does that really say about them. While I agree that a child being exposed to a raid in their home is not a good thing, maybe their parents should not be involved with trying to kill other Iraqis and American Soldiers in the first place. This amounts to the same thing as hiding in a mosque that our military will not fire upon. This equates to a drug dealer hiding their stash in their infant son or daughter's crib or diapers. Believe me folks, this has happened!

Mr. Kerry did apologize for his mistaken comment however. He followed up by saying that, "After three years, Iraqis ought to be capable of searching a home ... It's inexplicable that when the biggest killers in Iraq are suicide bombers and IEDs, improvised explosive devices, that we're still on the front lines going into homes and going out in the dead of night. And it scares people." Well sure it does. Every single soldier there knows the dangers of conducting a search in a house but they are ready and willing to get the job done.

I know Mr. Kerry would not undermine our troops as he is a war veteran himself. I really do not think he knows what he wants to say when he says it. It is not a conservative conspiracy, blaming Rush Limbaugh for making a big deal out of his comment. He just doesn't think about what he says or how he says it.

I have the utmost respect for our brave soldiers and veterans, even for Mr. Kerry and his military service for this country. But lets be careful of what we say. Our troops need to know that we support their efforts in keeping us safe at home.

Check out the story from NewsMax:

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