Monday, December 19, 2005

Kerry Backtracking

John Kerry seems to be so far out of touch with reality its not even funny anymore. Why is it that he blames President Bush for faulty intelligence when he, Hillary, and everyone else received the same data.

Kerry is out for himself while being out there by himself. Does he forget what came out of his mouth while he was running for President? Flip, Flop, I'm on the spot and I don't know how to stop!

His camp is saying that is was just a joke. Haha Johnny boy you sure are killing me!! His spokesperson, April Boyd said Kerry was just joking and added, "How are the same Republicans who tried to impeach a president over whether he misled a nation about an affair going to pretend it does not matter if the administration intentionally misled the country into war?'” Boyd said. "Good luck finding a Democrat in America who disagrees." Well now the difference could very well be that Mr. Clinton was actually caught in a lie. Lets face it folks, Mr. Clinton helped erode our moral fiber in this country. "I did not have sex with that woman...." Please, so you don't play hide the cigar with Hillary? That's not sex?

Let me go now!!


joloco said...

No, I for one won't face it. The act of impeaching Clinton was solely a political maneuver. The legality behind it was immaterial. If you insist otherwise then I must assume it is your horse blinders getting in the way.

Gerard said...

I guess you are baffled by the Clinton spin machine too. The smoke is still in your eyes as you look in the mirror placed in front of you by the Clintons. Lets not forget that Billy Boy lied on camera to the public via all the major networks. What does he think getting his knob waxed is? PLaying hide the cigar? Has it been so long that he has had sex with no one but his wife that he has forgotten what sex is? In my job, if they prove that I lied, I am fired. Why should it not be the same for a president. Do you not think John Kerry is manuevering politically by saying that Bush should be impeached? Right away they say Bush lied because the intel on Iraq was flawed. (Same intel the Dems had) That is not lying. Putting your eggs in one basket and relying on intel that needed to be verified but wasn't is not boldface lying.

Lets face it... can't anything anyone in office does be summed up as political manuevering?